Inspiring team retreats and get-togethers with a positive impact

From Tibet to Patagonia, Cape North to Tierra del Fuego, we have positive-impact travel programs for every occasion

Team trips with Purpose

Ideas for team trips

Inspiring travel ideas for:
Company get-togethers with a bigger purpose
Inspire your team and create a positive impact on the place of your visit with mindfully designed team adventures
Plan a team get-together
Business meetings in inspiring places
Go beyond conference rooms and connect with your business partners, investors or board members while creating a positive impact
Get a business trip inspiration
WOW-conferences close to nature
Inspire and impress your guests with an unforgettable, purposeful destination conference in a place where your impact matters the most
Find a wow-conference venue
Team retreats, workations, and hackathons
Create space for innovation, connection, out-of-the-box thinking, and purposeful time together
Plan a team building event
100+ inspiring travel plans
Go on your next trip with Geographic