Split costs and carbon footprints, venture to new places, connect with people, and create a bigger positive impact

Some trips can't be done alone

Upcoming group trips

Looking for great people to travel with?
Join our Travelhood
Inspiring Group trips
Go to places you wouldn't reach alone
Joining a group opens new experiences that are hard to find, expensive, or simply not open for individual visitors.
Join a group trip with Geographic
Find great friends
You certainly know that "your network is your net worth" – going on a purposeful trip is probably the best way to nurture meaningful connections without sales pitches.
Go on a connecting trip
Split costs and amplify impressions
Group trips have an interesting effect: while you pay less by simply splitting costs, you also feel more because shared experiences feel more powerful. Spend less, feel more.
Find trips with best quality-price ratio
Create a bigger positive impact
Combine the positive impact of your trip in synergy with others
Travel with positive impact
Feel safe
Travel in a group just feels more safe, even when you are on a real adventure!
Adventure mindfully